Embark on a hilarious and thrilling adventure in Sniper Stickman vs Funny monsters, a mobile turn-based puzzle shooter that combines the charm of stickman characters and a world of vicious monsters inspired by various horror worlds with bigfoots and monster hunters. In this chaos, players will test their tactical thinking and logic, stretch their brains, and demonstrate their marksmanship skills in a series of epic battles against physical opponents.As the elite sniper, you find yourself thrust into a world where the line between games and reality blurs. Ragdoll monsters with big foot have come to life, and you should have a shooting and fighting with them. The sick man protagonist, armed with a supreme sniper rifle, bazooka and grenade must face off against the iconic characters in the sister location.Each level is a unique puzzle that requires the player to think logically and have a high IQ to execute the perfect shot. This makes the game both simple and hard at the same time. The fighting mechanics are turn-based, allowing players to plan their moves with precision and use a minimum of bullets.The world with our supreme stickman duelist is diverse and immersive, with each level introducing new IQ challenges and environments. Explore a variety of pixel locations, use physics objects in the levels to help you shoot to masterfully attack and defeat monsters. The blend of supreme monster hunter features and fanf horror creates a unique atmosphere that keeps players entertained and bored.Get ready for an exciting experience that seamlessly blends the worlds of stick man, fanfs and other terrible opponents in one brain game. The funny, yet challenging, puzzles will test your gaming prowess, while the supreme sickman sniper brings a touch of flair to the battles. In Sniper Stckman vs Funny Monsters, the games are no longer childs play – its a fight for survival in a world where stickman ragdoll monsters collide in an epic showdown. Are you ready to take elite aim and prove your supremacy?